Monday, January 9, 2012

Stuffed Tomatoes

**Daniel Fast Worthy

2 large ripe tomatoes
1 cup cooked whole wheat couscous, plain
Sea Salt to taste
2 tablespoon fresh basil leaves, Or 1 tablespoon dried basil, chopped finely
Olive oil
1/2 tsp minced garlic
1 scallion branch sliced, green onion, for stuffing and garnish

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook couscous according to package directions and save 1 cup for this dish. Cut the top of each tomato and using a spoon, scoop out the tomato chucks and juice into a bowl that will be used in the stuffing. Discard any hard, inedible parts that come from inside the tomato. Place tomato bowls in small baking dish face up, and drizzle with olive oil. In the bowl of tomato chunks and juice, add and combine the cup of couscous, sea salt, basil, garlic and scallion slices. Stuff each tomato carefully and bake for about 15 minutes. Serve with sliced scallions for garnish!

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